How do you think about the answers? I now use caffeine judiciously, when I really need it. judicious in a sentence. Judicious and timely thinning so as to allow the trees room to grow, and to give them sufficiency of light and air, will generally obviate the need of the pruning-saw, except to a relatively small extent. Judicious Sentence. always fair, always judicious, the volume combines accurate narrative with incisive comments and interpretation. He made his moustache and lips express judicious regret. He is, moreover, a judicious critic. You are infallibly judicious. 2, The President authorizes the judicious use of military force to protect our citizens. Examples of judicious in a Sentence. In it, prudence is described as an "intelligence capable, by a certain judicious method, of distinguishing good and bad; likewise the knowledge of an art is called Wisdom; and again, a well-furnished memory and experience in diverse matters is termed Wisdom.". He had also created in1811-1812a new National Guard, organized in " cohorts " to distinguish it from the regular army, and for home defence only, and these by a skilful appeal to their patriotism and judicious pressure applied through the prefects, became a useful reservoir of half-trained men for new battalions of the active army. He scowled judiciously and nodded. He made a judicious choice of books. A moderate and judicious presbyterian, he prepared with others the " Shorter Catechism " in 1647, and was one of the" Triers," 1654. At one time they did, indeed, share a sense: "having or exercising sound judgment"; however, in modern English, only judicious is used in that sense. At the same time the fears of the more sober and respectable citizens were allayed by Otho's liberal professions of his intention to govern equitably, and by his judicious clemency towards Marius Celsus, consul-designate, a devoted adherent of Galba. Sloane's memory survives more by his judicious investments than by anything that he contributed to the subject matter of natural science or even of his own profession. 1853) has in his Studii critice (1890 sqq.) Owing, however, to timely and judicious disposition of the military and police forces the city was saved from much bloodshed. Among other less judicious measures, a decree was passed ostensibly directed against all vagabond foreigners, but really aimed at the Jews, large numbers of whom, including many respected landowners and men of business, were imprisoned, or expelled, from Jassy, Bacau and other parts of Moldavia. Judicious flattery secured him the consulship under Caligula (39); and under Nero he was superintendent of the water supply. Under the judicious regulations of his new tutor a methodical course of reading was marked out, and most ardently prosecuted; the pupil's progress was proportionably rapid. The bee-keeper, therefore, by the judicious application of a little smoke from smouldering fuel, blown into the hive by means of an appliance known as a beesmoker, alarms the bees and is thus able to manipulate the frames of comb with ease and almost no disturbance. Though it make the unskilful laugh, cannot but make the judicious grieve. Prince Schwarzenberg assumed the government of the empire with dictatorial power; and, in spite of what Palmerston termed his " judicious bottle-holding," the movement he had encouraged and applauded, but to which he could give no material aid, was everywhere subdued. In accordance with the judicious policy which he had observed in Asia Minor and at Antioch, he granted full pardon to the citizens; only the chief officials and advisers were put to death; Zenobia and her son were captured and reserved for his triumph when he returned to Rome. Until his wife was finally driven from Spain by the revolutionary movement of 1854, the duke is credibly reported to have applied himself to making a large fortune out of railway concessions and by judicious stock exchange speculations. judicious mix of British with a modern twist alongside well cooked traditional British dishes. judiciously in a sentence - Use "judiciously" in a sentence 1. By the judicious use of money, however, Alexander got him into his power, so that he was deposed in January 1180. He uses the whip in a race very judiciously. 0 0. It is, indeed, singularly difficult to pronounce a judicious opinion on the writings of Donne. Forqueray, an event at which " an interpretation of the Pièces de viole in a new light seems judicious " . You can work out much of these from judicious sniffing of traffic on the network; others you can deduce with some simple heuristics. I have seen some new plays that are judicious, but uninspiring. [formal, approval] The President authorizes the judicious use of military force to protect our citizens. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Every body present, on hearing the circumstances, thought this a most judicious and lenient sentence; but so thought not the other servant lasses of the town; for in the evening, as I was going home, thinking no harm, on passing the Cross-well, where a vast congregation of them were assembled with their stoups discoursing the news of the day, they opened on me like a pack of hounds at a tod, and I verily believed … , My brother made a judicious decision when he married my wonderful sister-in-law. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 2. Although it suffered at the hands of revolutionary fanatics in 1688, the damage was confined mainly to the external ornament, and the chapel, owing to restoration in judicious taste, is now in perfect condition. Lv 4. He wrote A Brief Statement of the Claim of the Colonies (1764); a Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of Massachusetts Bay (1769), reprinted as The Hutchinson Papers by the Prince Society in 1865; and a judicious, accurate and very valuable History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay (vol. The union of these four elements gives character to his theology, and in a certain degree to all subsequent theology. " The more judicious of the mechanical or physical school refrained, as a judicious modern physiologist does, from too immediate an application of their principles to daily practice. But the more judicious admit the value of the four MSS. We owe it to our young and vulnerable patients to use these medications sparingly and judiciously. How to use judicious in a sentence is shown in this page. Hand harvesting and judicious use of modern vinification techniques ensures the resultant wines are packed with fruit and thoroughly modern in style. Sentence Examples for judicious. Source(s): With these resolutions, more honourable than judicious or effectual, she remained the next day listening to Lothario, who pressed his suit so strenuously that Camilla's firmness began to waver, and her virtue had enough to do to come to the rescue of her eyes and keep them from showing signs of a certain tender compassion which the tears and appeals of Lothario had awakened in her bosom. A good sentence would be, the teenager was judicious while his friends drank beer at the party. So Europe Between the Oceans, at once compelling and judicious, is an extraordinary book. There is no Roman writer of satire who could be mentioned along with those others by so judicious a critic, except Juvenal. He treats the book-tradition, however, a debt to which, nowadays inevitable, he is generous in acknowledging, 3 with a judicious exercise of freedom in adaptation, i.e. So far as practical gardening is concerned, feeding by the roots after they have been placed in suitable soil is confined principally to the administration of water and, under certain circumstances, of liquid or chemical manure; and no operations demand more judicious management. 3. ‘This judicious selection means less than 200 garments worldwide will be produced.’ ‘If so, then judicious quotation from the diaries might have made this point just as well as their wholesale reproduction.’ ‘Most of the women credit card holders are judicious in using their cards.’ Lord Chesterfield well knew the value of such a compliment; and therefore, when the day of publication drew near, he exerted himself to soothe, by a show of zealous and at the same time of delicate and judicious kindness, the pride which he had so cruelly wounded. 2. Because of the doctor’s experience, he was a judicious fellow who was well-respected by his colleagues. Judicious is a word that means showing good judgment. Sentence Examples. By the judicious mission of an embassy to Rome he now obtained confirmation of the alliance which his father had previously made with the growing western power; at the same time he availed himself of the weakened state of the Syrian monarchy under Demetrius II. Large and judicious retrenchments were carried out in most of the government departments. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Fun Times. judicious combination can inspire nations and revolutions if the message and mood are right. The Park occupies nearly 300 acres, of great natural beauty, which has been increased by the judicious arts of the landscape gardener. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. He pandered to the emperor's love of magic and theurgy, and by judicious administration of the omens won a high position at court. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. 2. The letter was judiciously worded. The choice was judicious as further events proved. , Without judicious planning, we will not be able to complete the project on time. Debt and credit were used judiciously to help make ends meet. Mrs. Nailor now gave Mrs. Yorke a judicious hint. It is noteworthy that though words were so freely spelled in alphabetic characters, especially in the time of the Old Kingdom, no advance was ever made towards excluding the cumbersome word-signs and biliteral phonograms, which, by a judicious use of determinatives, might well have been rendered quite superfluous. In the Prologue to the "Parson's Tale" (so) there is, on the other hand, a mistake of Chaucer's own, which no judicious critic would think of removing, the constellation Libra being said to be "the moon's exaltation" when it should be Saturn's. You are infallibly judicious. Biographers have delighted to relate how painfully Demosthenes made himself a tolerable speaker, - how, with pebbles in his mouth, he tried his lungs against the waves, how he declaimed as he ran up hill, how he shut himself up in a cell, having first guarded himself against a longing for the haunts of men by shaving one side of his head, how he wrote out Thucydides eight times, how he was derided by the Assembly and encouraged by a judicious actor who met him moping about the Peiraeus. The judicious use of recombinant factor VIIa to control bleeding is also given an airing. , When it comes to choosing friends, be very judicious and choose wisely! Use a judicious and wary eye when assessing the source of a rumor. The experienced software engineer is judicious when it comes to finding the best way to code a software application. Grenville Kleiser once noted that you can develop good judgment as you do the muscles of your body - by judicious, daily exercise. 2. Example sentences using judicious. use "judicious" in a sentence I think we need to be very judicious with any changes," George said. 3, It is curable with judicious use of antibiotics. It has until lately been the practice to remove these to the museum at Naples; but the present tendency is to leave them (and even the movable objects found in the houses) in situ with all due precautions as to their preservation (as in the house of the Vettii, of the Silver Wedding, of the Golden Cupids, &c.), which adds immensely to the interest of the houses; indeed, with the l,eip of judicious restoration, their original condition is in large measure reproduced.'. Rebecca. A man in intellect and courage, yet without conceit or bravado; a woman in sensibility and tenderness, yet without shrinking or weakness; a saint in purity of life and devotion of heart, yet without asceticism or religiosity; a knight-errant in hatred of wrong and contempt of baseness, yet without self-righteousness or cynicism; a prince in dignity and courtesy, yet without formality or condescension; a poet in thought and feeling, yet without jealousy or affectation; a scholar in tastes and habits, yet without aloofness or bookishness; a dutiful son, a loving husband, a judicious father, a trusty friend, a useful citizen and an enthusiastic patriot, - he united in his strong, transparent humanity almost every virtue under heaven. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 1, We should listen to the judicious opinion of that old man. , Running through a crowded store naked is not a good way to show you are a judicious person. 3. Examples of judicious in a sentence: 1. , In order to properly prepare the lab report, the scientist had to make judicious observations during the experiment. Examples of judicious in a sentence: 1. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 2. So Europe Between the Oceans, at once compelling and judicious, is an extraordinary book. ; and that platinum, by judicious work, can be drawn into wire 2?o o mm. offended John of Bohemia, who had aided him at and the Muhldorf, thus converting a useful friend into a formidable foe, and his other actions were hardly more judicious. Marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters; "judicious use of one's money"; "a wise decision" [] (judiciously) in a judicious manner; "let's use these intelligence tests judiciously" [] (judiciousness) the trait of forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating [] Having, or characterized by, good judgment or sound thinking [] Much might be made of Cyrenaica by judicious colonization.. Lowry Whittle's Grover Cleveland (1896; " Public Men of To-day " series) are judicious volumes; and " Campaign Biographies " (1884) were written by W. Thus so-called coloured-gold deposits may be produced by the judicious introduction of suitable impurities. For the best answers, search on this site His wealth was acquired by traffic in slaves, the working of silver mines, and judicious purchases of lands and houses, especially those of proscribed citizens. I had to make judicious use of my money because I had limited resources and many needs to satisfy. By judicious use of the railway Kitchener concentrated sufficient troops in the colony to cope with the attempt, and, after being hunted for eighteen days, De Wet escaped back into the Orange River Colony with the loss of all his guns, munitions of war and half his force. 4, Some dishes would be very bland without the judicious use of spices and other seasonings. This is a very gutsy choice, on the part of the performers and/or the producer; yet it is entirely judicious. These cookies do not store any personal information. By the judicious selection of a type of yeast it is possible to improve the bouquet, and from an inferior must obtain a better wine or cider than would otherwise be produced. The experienced software engineer is judicious when it comes to finding the best way to code a software application. Examples of judiciously in a sentence: 1. 0 0. vrabel. Therefore I manage it judiciously, try 3. Remarkable progress has also been made in the art of queen-rearing, and in improving the common or native bee by judicious crossing with the best foreign races, selected mainly for hardiness, working qualities and the prolific capacity of their queens. Favorite Answer. He paused a little judiciously over his answer. The compromise with the surviving rebels was arranged by his son in concert with Richard of Cornwall and the legate Ottobuono; the statute of Marlborough (1267), which purchased a lasting peace by judicious concessions, was similarly arranged between Edward and the earl of Gloucester. 5. 0 0. Mrs. Nailor now gave Mrs. Yorke a judicious hint. Let's use these intelligence tests judiciously. The judicious use of training aids can help you do just that. By examining a judicious selection of contexts, one can gain insight into the meaning and usage of new vocabulary. Learn more. He is very judicious in his words and actions. We must make judicious use of our voting right. This criticism needs judicious qualification. He is very judicious in his words and actions. He made a judicious choice of books. judicious in a sentence. Nor is Grote altogether just in his account of Plato's attitude towards the several sophists, or altogether judicious in his appreciation of Plato's testimony. Behavior can often be modified through the judicious use of rewards and punishment. Judicious quotes from YourDictionary: The life-efficiency and adaptability of the computer must be questioned. judicious in a sentence - Use "judicious" in a sentence 1. of the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1906 (Washington, 1908), for a good account of the removal of the Indians from Georgia; the judicious monograph by E. It behooves the judicious gardener, then, not to be too slavish in his attempts to imitate natural conditions, and to bear in mind that such attempts sometimes end in failure. He was regarded as one of the clearest-headed and most judicious officials in the British service, and his position as a man of moderate Liberal views, who had been so closely associated with Goschen at the Treasury, Cromer in Egypt and Hicks-Beach (Lord St Aldwyn) and Sir W. a judicious present induced the nawab of Arcot to interpose and prevent hostilities. In favourable localities and with judicious management these establishments yield very considerable profit (see Feather). English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "judicious" By examining a judicious selection of contexts, one can gain insight into the meaning and usage of new vocabularyParents have to be judicious in disciplining their children; too much is as bad as too little. As a careful, judicious and accurate observer, both of man and nature, he had few superiors. Some anomalies, both of metre and of sense, may be removed by judicious emendation; and many lines become smooth enough, if we assume a crasis of open vowels of the same class, or a diphthongal pronunciation of others, or contraction or silence of certain suffixes as in Syriac. (1560-1568), the eldest son and successor of Gustavus Vasa, was therefore a judicious act on the part of the new king of Sweden, John III. As a writer Cattaneo was learned and brilliant, but far too bitter a partisan to be judicious, owing to his narrowly republican views; his ideas on local autonomy were perhaps wise, but, at a moment when unity was the first essential, inopportune.