And some people are allergic to spermicide. Its use may cause vaginal burning and irritation from the spermicide. Sores can appear in the vaginal canal, in the anus and on the penis. As for supplements, I cannot say. That irritation increases your risk for HIV and other STDs because it gives infections an easy pathway into your body. The possibility for side effects of spermicides increases with the increased amount of spermicide used. October 17, 2016 7. Usually the spermicidal chemical itself is the culprit, but it could also be one of the other ingredients. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. Grab it at the store or online. Payment assistance: Check with your local family planning clinics and find out if they offer free or low cost birth control (most do). (Use … Along with its needed effects, a medicine may cause some unwanted effects. [citation needed] Lubricant. Thus, it is used as a locally acting non-hormonal contraceptive agent. Repeated exposure to the spermicide can result in tough, leathery skin if you are allergic to it. Those who use spermicide may be more likely to develop urinary tract infections. Learn More. ... Side Effects. Side effects associated with spermicide use have been an increased incidence of vaginitis and an increase in urethritis (142–147). Those who use spermicide may be more likely to develop urinary tract infections. All these forms of spermicides are effective for only … Spermicide’s not so great on its own. Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them: Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. There are positive and negative things to say about each and every method. November 28, 2017 0. A variety of side effects of using spermicide can occur. This may indicate an allergy, which can be dealt with by trying a different spermicide or moving to a new form of birth control. Some people are allergic to spermicide or to the polyurethane or sulfites found in the sponge and may … Spermicide may also cause an allergic reaction. However, many people have no side effects or only have minor side effects. Side Effects of Spermicide. They are available in various forms such as cream, gel, foam, film, and suppositories. Some people worry that using spermicide condoms or any form of spermicide can cause congenital medical conditions if they do get pregnant. Side Effects For Spermicide. October 17, 2016 7. December 29, 2014 0. Spermicide is a contraceptive substance that destroys sperm, inserted vaginally prior to intercourse to prevent pregnancy. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention. [27] The WORST Thing About Condoms — and How One Company Aims to Revolutionize It. Always read instruction and check expiration date. Contraindications. It is commonly used as a spermicidal agent when used intravaginally. It … Pros and Cons of Spermicides. Nonoxynol-9 is the active ingredient in most spermicidal creams, jellies, foams, gel, film, and suppositories. The rash will typically burn or itch and may continue to get worse if you continue using the spermicide. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional. No supplement has been tested in humans to see what effects or side effects it might have. Spermicides disrupt normal bacteria in the vagina and urethra, according to The Mayo Clinic. Signs and Symptoms of Infection While Using IUD Birth Control. Its use may cause vaginal burning and irritation from the spermicide. Nonoxynol-9 is a common ingredient of most vaginal and anal lubricants due to its spermicidal properties. Local vaginal irritation or itching or redness, Allergic reaction to certain types of spermicides (kind of burning sensation and itching), Spermicide can be messy. Spermicide side effects. Portions of this document last updated: Oct. 01, 2020. Drug information provided by: IBM Micromedex. Nonoxynol 9 Uses: Contraception: Prevention of pregnancy; Adult dose. When used during anal and vaginal sex, spermicide can increase the chance of open sores. Symptoms include temporary itching, redness, and swelling. If you have questions about side effects, call your doctor. Spermicide: Effectiveness, Side Effects And Risks. Spermicide suppositories are inserted high into the vagina by hand. You should always speak with your doctor before you follow anything that you read on this website. December 29, 2014 0. All the information, content and live chat provided on the site is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice. Side Effects, Health Benefits, and Health Risks; Correcting Misunderstandings; Facts About Combined Oral Contraceptives and Cancer; Who Can and Cannot Use Combined Oral Contraceptives; Medical Eligibility Criteria for Combined Oral Contraceptives ; Using Clinical Judgment in Special Cases; Providing Combined Oral Contraceptives; Giving Advice on Side Effects; Explaining How to Use; Supporting the … As a rule, if you decide to … Spermicide works best as a second contraception method. This irritation can be increased if you are using spermicides several times a day. … Spermicide: Effectiveness, Side Effects And Risks. A person may see redness on the penis’s skin, and stinging can occur. They are meant to kill the sperm before they swim into the uterus and fertilize the egg. The only spermicide available in the U.S. is nonoxynol-9 (N-9). If you are using spermicide with a diaphragm, apply it to the upper side that will be in contact with the cervix. So, how can you spot the culprit? It does not have the typical side effects of hormonal contraceptives (birth control pills, hormonal IUD spiral) Increases lubrication during sexual intercourse. The vagina lining or penis may become irritated when spermicide is present. Most spermicides contain nonoxynol-9. In rare cases, spermicides may cause adverse reactions when used. This content does not have an Arabic version. Use of spermicides in the year before pregnancy or during pregnancy has been associated with adverse reproductive outcomes, including spontaneous abortion and Down’s syndrome. This irritation may make it easier to become infected with STDs like HIV. In a preliminary analysis, an association was found between spermicide use at conception and tetraploid and hypertriploid … If you’re experiencing symptoms of an allergy but are not allergic to latex or are using a latex-free condom, you could blame the spermicide. Best Lubricants against Yeast Infection. Some men and women may also experience an allergic reaction to nonoxynol-9. People with a severe allergy to spermicides may experience skin reactions on any part of their body which came into contact with the spermicide, including the genital area and hands. Because these side effects are so infrequent, few women stop using N-9 once they’ve tried it. One study found that female family planning providers choose LARC methods more often (41.7%) than the general public (12.1%).