Stalin was cruel and merciless and the lives of all those who he ruled were at his expense. Once the Central Committee and Politburo records started to become accessible, this standpoint became widely accepted. Katyn Massacre, 1940. He turned the Soviet Union into a world superpower. His stripping of the military leadership cost the Soviets dearly when they tried to invade Finland and when Germany invaded the Soviet Union. It's really upon a deeper examination that the question of whether Stalin "was a good leader" is really much more complex then the question might sound on the surface. Soviet propaganda denied the famine for many years, refusing to admit Stalin’s psychotic willingness to kill people or allow the world to think people in the “workers’ paradise” could possibly starve. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (born Ioseb Besarionis dzе Jughashvili, 18 December [O.S. 9. Torture,Hatred, Deprived. Joseph Stalin ruled the USSR. Stalin tried to convince his people by being a good leader, but at the same time tried to set a statement that he was a tough ruler to other leaders. Stalin so desperately wanted to believe that Hitler wouldn't turn on the USSR that he had two brave soldiers who returned from enemy lines with news of an imminent invasion shot. Thus, here are all the facts you need to know about him. Making these countries have communist governments whether the people wanted it or not, and restricting movement in or out of the “communist bloc” made this mass of people little more than slaves, creating an even bigger Soviet empire than that of before the war. By the way Stalin is the reason why people stereotype Russia as being tough and ruthless, he spread that propaganda throughout the end WW2 stages and pre-Cold war era. where Stalin lacked leadership and the bad things he did he made up for it by dong good things. 7. Thank you! Starvation of the Ukraine, 1932-1933. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Nevertheless he kept looking for chances to expand Communism beyond the Soviet frontiers, as he showed when he invaded Finland and the Baltic States in 1939- 40 and when the Soviets occupied Eastern Europe in the late 1940s. }. For the most part, Stalin was another anti-Semite at heart. January 9, 1918: What Was the Last Battle of The American Indian Wars? To any guest readers, please keep that in mind when commenting on articles. Stalin plays a crucial role by running Pravda, the Bolshevik newspaper. 4. January 5, 1998: Sonny Bono Skis into a Tree and Dies! At a dinner in 1932 where Stalin and his wife argued, Stalin was seen flicking cigarettes at her (quite classy) and later that night she either committed suicide or was murdered by Stalin. He also ruled for quite a long time. (Hitler’s wife committed suicide with him and Hitler’s previous lovers also committed suicide. Stalin was ill-educated, unintellectual and uninterested in ideas. Everything happened to the Soviets because of how this one particular guy ruled his country Joseph Stalin. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. intentional starvation of the Ukraine Stalin killed as many as 7.5 million Ukrainians. Increasingly it is asked whether this interpretation withstands scrutiny. In fear of any corruption in his rule or plots against him, Stalin took action to ensure his safety and supremacy. In the second half of the twentieth century, Americans were taught to see both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union as the greatest of evils. Starvation of the Ukraine, 1932-1933. Pianist Khadija Gayibova, executed in 1938, was one of among at least 2000 of the best and brightest minds in the Soviet Union who were sent to prisons where at least 1500 of them died. Most things in history aren't 100% black or white, and it's hard to categorically label people as "good" or "bad". zone_id: "LCST04010414HIST3004" Stalin at first betrayed his fellow communists in China by supporting Chiang Kai Shek instead of Mao tse Tung and the communists, because he believed that Chiang had a better chance of keeping the Japanese from invading Siberia, and he ignored the mass murder of communists by Chiang. Again I don't think that is bad but very good in fact. Based on the idea that respect for human life and human freedom to determine one's destiny are the focal points of a society, he was far off the mark. That Communists in Russia praise Stalin is all fine and good for them (I won't condemn them, because I can't say that I would be any different in their situation, upon seeing the results of the reaction to one's motherland), but in the West, it's an entirely different affair, and you can't apply the facts of Eastern Europe to Western Europe or (especially) North America. they actually loved stalin and saw him as the hero that won WWII. But you all know this anyway and I'm just prattling on. Stalin was not a good man, but a good leader. On June 11, 1937, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin had 8 of his top army generals executed as part of The Great Purge. There could not have been a Stalin without Lenin, and not just because the latter was the founder of the USSR. Stalin good or bad essay. In World War II, a pact with Germany was made with the Soviet Union under Stalin's rule, but Germany broke this pact and invaded Soviet lands. He turned the Soviet Union into a world superpower. Everything happened to the Soviets because of how this one particular guy ruled his country Joseph Stalin. I will not stop until people understand that Stalin was a good leader. After stabbing Poland in the back by invading after the Polish military was completely engaged with the Nazi invasion, Stalin took his big chunk of Poland for himself. "You can't just definitively say he's all good or all bad." The Impact of paper writing formats Stalin on Russia and the Russian People stalin good or bad essay Joseph Stalin was born to a poor family in the province of Georgia in 1879. Shooting and Imprisoning Soldiers, 1941-1945. The Soviets finally admitted guilt in 1990. “I’ve been reading about him for years, and I don’t demonize or glorify him,” he said. He noted that Lenin had recognised Stalin’s talent after 1917; Stalin was people’s commissar of nationalities affairs, served as a political commissar on several military fronts and joined the earliest permanent politburo. Pianist Khadija Gayibova, executed in 1938, was one of among at least 2000 of the best and brightest minds in the Soviet Union who were sent to prisons where at least 1500 of them died. Stalin was a very complex character who did a lot of bad things as well as a lot of good. All the things they say, like Stalin won the war, or Stalin expanded the Soviet Union (how was that good? The widespread and horrible scale of the starvation led people to eat the dead, and 2500 were convicted of cannibalism. We try to present our students with historical topics that are both diverse and a bit out of the ordinary. Whatever good came out of the crash industrialisation was completely beside the point, given how poorly (and tragically) they were carried out. Cheap paper writing service provides high-quality essays for affordable prices. Once Lenin had died, Stalin supposedly engaged in an attempt to prove that he was as least as great a revolutionary hero. Who else do you think is as bad or worse than Hitler? But they concurred about dictatorship, the one-party state, revolutionary justice and the ultimate need for comprehensive state control of the economy. Pereira highlights the careful improvement in Stalin’s skills as an orator in the two decades after the revolution. In early 1940 on Stalin’s personal orders, over 25,000 of Poland’s best military officers were executed. Major Dan is a retired veteran of the United States Marine Corps. Stalin was as bad as Hitler ... “If my shirt were taken off now, it would be seen that my belly is sore from crawling to that man. In trying to account for Stalin’s campaign for dominance he turned to psychoanalysis, speculating that the general secretary had a subconscious son-father obsession with Lenin. Nostalgia for the Soviet leader “has something to do with the pride that the big guy was born here—no matter whether the big guy was good or bad,” explains Elene Khoshtaria, a … First, I thought I'd break 'good' or 'bad' into three areas, us in the West, the USSR/Russia as a nation state, and finally the Sovs themselves. Through his series of 5-year plans, Stalin brought unemployment to a negligible level, and drastically improved industrial output. By 1950, when it was prudent to do so, Stalin became best buddies with China and now had a major ally in the Cold War. This purge left his military in bad shape when war came, stripped of many of its most capable officers, but just another day for “The Man of Steel.” Stalin was a bad person indeed, and although Hitler is generally regarded as. Stalin's solution didn't go over well, either. gweini.adStack.push({ The GULAG's primary purpose, though, was to gain control of the population t… During the entire tenure of Stalin’s reign no free press or freedom of much of anything was enjoyed in the Soviet Union or any country controlled by it. Hitler is notorious for killing as many as 6 million Jews and … After the fall of the Soviet Union Russian and Ukrainian officials were somewhat more forthcoming, but the issue remains a hot topic between Russia and Ukraine. From its early years the Politburo had to decide a huge range of external and internal policies. In my books, Stalin was just another historical monster and good is not the word to describe this criminal. He even had one of … 1556332. essay on Stalin’s rise to power in the USSR, Read the full text of Stalin and the Communist Party in the 1920s. He was a very bad ruler. The independence minded people of the Ukraine were starved into submission, pure and simple. It is a pity that he ever lived. they actually loved stalin and saw him as the hero that won WWII. Bullock, Alan. Stalin's "ambiguous" nature makes him an interesting figure to build a business around, Voltman said. Their childhoods had a massive impression on what they turned out to be was stalin a good leader essay. Most of the peasants in Russia in the nineteenth century were forced to confront poverty, young Joseph Stalin was no exception. Three reasons why Stalin is a hero . Censorship and Propaganda, 1924-1953. But he was able to do what he did because he was also a leader of exceptional talent. As a scholar of Stalin and his time, I very much think he was a terrible, terrible leader for the USSR. 8. Moscow police took the owner of Stalin Doner in for questioning, urging him to either change the name of the restaurant or close. Hitler is notorious for killing as many as 6 million Jews and another 5 million assorted people, but in the Holodomor, intentional starvation of the Ukraine Stalin killed as many as 7.5 million Ukrainians. Following his military service, he worked as a police officer eventually earning the rank of captain prior to his retirement. the regular people didn't know about the bad things stalin did because of the strong propaganda. Self-Serving Relations with China, 1940-1953. Most things in history aren't 100% black or white, and it's hard to categorically label people as "good" or "bad". Stalin's "ambiguous" nature makes him an interesting figure to build a business around, Voltman said. My, How Communications have Changed! The Soviet Union was utterly unprepared for the ensuing invasion, and untold numbers of Soviet citizens lost their lives unnecessarily. Even he had expansionist ambitions. In this time frame, well over 400,000 soldiers were sent to “penal battalions” where they would be deployed in areas almost certain to get them killed. It is a pity that he ever lived. Stalin was at the top, and he enjoyed his absolute power and authority. (Added with his other murders and genocides this definitely puts him in Hitler’s class.) 10 Reasons Stalin Might Be Worse Than Hitler, On June 11, 1937, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin had 8 of his top army generals executed as part of, From 1934 to 1940 Stalin had vast numbers of government, party, and army officials murdered to satisfy his paranoid delusions that everyone was out to get him. In so far as Stalin had a personal ideology, he supposedly was permanently transfixed by the objective of building ‘socialism in a single country’ and steadily mutated into a Russian nationalist leader. Of course, this policy was hard on the peasants who lost everything, and led to more starvation. The camps, like prisons throughout the world, were used to house criminals. the nobles and rich were the ones who were imprisoned and killed by stalin. The generally agreed picture was simple. Stalin: "Bad But Brilliant" ... Stalin was a mass terrorist with a gross personality disorder. Now obviously this is a slightly different question then the one being asked by the OP, which is whether Stalin was good for Russia , but it does tie into it indirectly. Even before the documentary revelations of the late 1980s under Mikhail Gorbachev, there was convincing evidence that the Bolshevik leaders agreed about fundamental aspects of the Soviet order more than they disagreed. I think he was a good COMMANDER, not a strategic planer. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases via links in the “Historical Evidence” sections of articles. Stalin was a mass terrorist with a gross personality disorder. where Stalin lacked leadership and the bad things he did he made up for it by dong good things. Writers, poets, philosophers and playwrights were jailed for producing anything other than pure propaganda, astronomers were jailed for studying sun spots, and weathermen were jailed for failing to make accurate predictions! Historians still debate how far the Allied cause was compromised by using one dictator (Stalin) to … Whatever good came out of the crash industrialisation was completely beside the point, given how poorly (and tragically) they were carried out. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); var gweini = gweini || {}; at Stalin's funeral, people wept as if he had been their own relative. In fear of any corruption in his rule or plots against him, Stalin took action to ensure his safety and supremacy. Soviet propaganda denied the famine for many years, refusing to admit Stalin’s psychotic willingness to kill people or allow the world to think people in the “workers’ paradise” could possibly starve. One of the problems is what might be called the ‘Bolshevism question’. Cheap paper writing service provides high-quality essays for affordable prices. (Added with his other murders and genocides this definitely puts him in Hitler’s class.) From 1934 to 1940 Stalin had vast numbers of government, party, and army officials murdered to satisfy his paranoid delusions that everyone was out to get him. Stalin further hurt the Chinese communists by supporting the Turkic Muslims in their quest for an independent state. Joesph Stalin, A Good or Bad Leader? He killed people in his inner circle, he was cruel, he stopped giving food to people in his country, and he gave a pass to war crimes. Robert Service reconsiders Norman Pereira's revisionist account of Stalin's pursuit of power in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, first published in History Today in 1992. He was an arch-bureaucrat who put together a coalition of party secretaries who had no truly revolutionary intent and were preoccupied by a concern for bureaucratic privilege.By putting himself forward as their spokesman he transformed the Soviet Union into a state whose nature was at odds with the one that Lenin and Trotsky had in mind in the years after the October 1917 Revolution. I think he was a good COMMANDER, not a strategic planer. Whether it is a good decision or a bad decision, you must accept it. There are many arguments as to why but very simply: The USSR was highly centralized and authoritarian, which is fundamentally opposed to the inherent economic democracy in socialism/communism. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Our motto is “We try until we succeed!”, Contact us at, Guidelines and Policies for Images used on This Site, as well as for Guest and Sponsored Articles. Absolutely uncaring about his own population, Stalin ordered everything in the path of advancing Germans to be burned, leaving no food or useful supplies of any type for them. It strikes me that the most important thing the USSR ever did was defeat the Third Reich. Question for students (and subscribers): Who else do you think is as bad or worse than Hitler? During World War II, Stalin also invaded and subjugated several countries in northern and eastern Europe. Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives. To put it bluntly - Stalin was good for no-one, neither the Soviet Union itself, nor the cause of international communism, nor even his own family. (Hitler’s wife committed suicide with him and Hitler’s previous lovers also committed suicide. Stalin was a very complex character who did a lot of bad … gweini.adStack = gweini.adStack || []; People were bombarded with government propaganda and denied access to information or cultural influences from other (western) countries. ), or Stalin industrialized the country - they are all untrue. And the very fact that he bounced his army a few levels is a reason for me that he was not a bad leader as people say. Stalin was a mass terrorist with a gross personality disorder. Stalin’s “ambiguous” nature makes him an interesting figure to build a business around, Voltman said. Stalin was a bad dictator because he could never get a good grip on his society. Using one of the books he cited, he could have gone further. the regular people didn't know about the bad things stalin did because of the strong propaganda. You can make your own interpretations, however, I will offer mine in the end if you are curious. It was not Stalin, it was the people working under him. Bad things about Stalin that was heard by the Secret Police was received to Joseph Stalin immediately. The Iron Curtain, 1945-1991. Scientists and engineers that failed to solve problems according to Stalin’s schedule were also purged, especially during the war. Perhaps, though, even Tucker held back from a radical revision of the politics of the 1920s. stalin good or bad essay Urdu books below are arranged according to subject: ub urdu aurton ki namaz urdu only rasool allah ki sahabzadiyan urdu only janaze … In this time frame, well over 400,000 soldiers were sent to “penal battalions” where they would be deployed in areas almost certain to get them killed. Although the Ukraine is considered the “breadbasket” of the Soviet Union where the most productive farms are, the food produced was removed for residents of other parts of the country and Ukrainians were left to starve. Anyone who opposed Stalin's political measures was killed, imprisoned or exiled. Vintage Books, 1993. With the military, it is shocking to see the facts: Officers removed from office one way or another: 3 of 5 Marshalls, 8 of 9 Admirals, 13 of 15 Army Commanders, 50 of 57 Corps Commanders, 16 of 16 Army Commissars, and 25 of 28 Corps Commissars. Of course, this policy was hard on the peasants who lost everything, and led to more starvation. gweini.writeAds(); 3. Stalin was cruel and merciless and the lives of all those who he ruled were at his expense. Thanks for visiting History and Headlines! When the Soviets retook Poland in 1944 the Soviets pretended the Nazis had committed the atrocity. Not one thing. Scientists and engineers that failed to solve problems according to Stalin’s schedule were also purged, especially during the war. Like I mean he was a good with speeches on boosting moral beat germany. Hitler was worse, because his regime propagated the unprecedented horror of the Holocaust, the attempt to eradicate an entire people on racial grounds. Joesph Stalin, A Good or Bad Leader? When the Soviets retook Poland in 1944 the Soviets pretended the Nazis had committed the atrocity. From the 1930s onwards, under the influence of Trotsky’s autobiography, even most anti-Communists subscribed to a condescending analysis of how Stalin had won the struggle against his great rival. He served during the Cold War and has traveled to many countries around the world. Scorched Earth Policy, 1941-1943. But it was Stalin who employed them to their most hideous and at least semi-effective ends. One of his sons shot himself and lived, causing Stalin to complain, “He can’t even shoot.” When that son was captured by the Germans, Stalin refused a trade for a German general and his son died. What a coincidence!). Just a little side fact. Wallowing after a breakup might actually be good 05 and at this point in my life, i should know some friendships aren’t built with the same. CONCLUSION Stalin saved Russia and Eastern Europe during the Great Patriotic War and vastly improved Russia life, though it did take a toll on human life. After the fall of the Soviet Union Russian and Ukrainian officials were somewhat more forthcoming, but the issue remains a hot topic between Russia and Ukraine. ... but has made several remarks suggesting that Stalinism wasn't all that bad. at Stalin's funeral, people wept as if he had been their own relative. Stalin was worse than Hitler.He was responsible for the deaths of millions of his own before WWII.His paranoic purges of his top military generals led to … “Fifty-four percent agreed that Stalin did more good than bad,” said Theodore Gerber, a sociologist from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "You can't just definitively say he's all good or all bad." Stalin was a good and bad leader. Stalin was a bad dictator because he could never get a good grip on his society. Stalin was at the top, and he enjoyed his absolute power and authority. “You can’t just definitively say he’s all good or all bad.” Moscow police took the owner of Stalin Doner in for questioning, urging him to either change the name of the restaurant or close. It is a pity that he ever lived. Also, despite the bad reputation of the German POW camps, Stalin had to make surrender a capital crime to keep his troops from surrendering in droves.